Always remember that investors have a much different perspective than bankers when they evaluate your business plan. They are looking for dramatic growth, and they expect to share in the rewards. If your carefully crafted business plan doesn’t address these issues, your odds of attracting investment are very slim.
- Funds needed short term,
- Funds needed in 2 to 5 years,
- How company will use funds, and what this will accomplish for growth,
- Estimated return on investment,
- Exit strategy for investors (buyback, sale, or IPO),
- Percent of ownership you will give up to investors,
- Milestones or conditions you will accept,
- Financial reporting to be provided,
- Involvement of investors on the Board or in management.
For questions about business plans or any other business law questions please feel free to contact Brandon Woodward, Esq. directly at for more information.
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